Don't Miss Free Money! Apply By Dec. 31 For Elmira College Scholars Program

Applications for the Elmira College Scholars Program are now being accepted. Prospective students can apply to receive one of five full-tuition scholarships per year granted to first-year, full-time students. Submit applications by 11:59 p.m., December 31.

This scholarship program recognizes students for their exceptional academics, extra-curricular activities, and for being generally well-rounded. Recipients receive access to honors seminars and courses.

Applicants need to have a 3.7 unweighted academic GPA to apply. A committee will review high school transcripts, academic profiles, letters of recommendation, personal statements, and a 500-750 word essay based on a prompt.

Those finalists who are not selected as an Elmira Scholar will be eligible for a $28,000 Trustee Scholarship. The Trustee Scholarship replaces all other Elmira College Scholarships, Grants, and Awards. Also, New York State residents may be eligible for free tuition with the Soaring Eagles Take Flight Initiative.

Current high school students interested in applying should complete the Application for Admission as well as the Elmira Scholars Application through the EC Online Portal.

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